Chemo; Party of 1

I met Dad and Mom this morning for our first go at chemo. They had him up and rollin' by the time I arrived. We kicked Mom out and she scooted over across the street to get some work done in her office. My counter part was a wee bit sleepy this morning (I heard he may have been up since 2am) so we chatted about how sick my new Nikes are and watched a few episodes of Misfit Garage.... it was a toss up between that, or Sesame Street - basic cable should be illegal. Toying with the idea of giving Kaiser Dad's Netflix password. He'll love that.

The cute pint size ginger nurse handed Dad and I packets and packets of paperwork. And the two of us diligently and sweetly pretended to mull it over before placing it neatly in Dads folder for Mom to actually read later. I mean, after we squared away our cigar smoking question, what else was there really left to ask?

So I drank shitty chemo suite coffee and ate all the snacks Mom had packed for Dad. And before we knew it, Dad was being double/triple checked that all lines were squared away and ready for take off. A reminder - Dad has an infusion onsite and then takes home additional chemo that slowly is administered for the next 48 hours. And all this fun comes neatly packed in the slickest fanny pack one has ever seen. How lucky fanny packs are making a comeback? Leave it to Dad to be very on trend.

So the three of us parted ways and Mom and Dad headed home. Update from Mom is that Dad hasn't been feeling all that stellar. To be expected. She's keeping an eye on him and he should rally a day or two after the end of the 48 cycle.

Thank you all for checking in
With Love,
Mad & Spen


  1. I'm sure he is sporting that fanny pack sharply! I hope he gets to feeling better soon!

  2. Hey Big Guy I hope you're getting some rest and feeling better. Cant wait to check out that fancy fanny pack ;)

    Love you guys!!

  3. Keep up the good work Big Wave! Let me know if you need a chemo buddy. Be ready for fish stories.

  4. Thinking of you lots Dave & family! I too have a fanny pack, and have been rocking it for almost 2 years!!! Lots of Love, Sarah


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