But Where Are My Notifications.....?
I hear that we may be having some notification issues. Here is what I know. In order to receive notifications that something has been posted on the blog one must do the following;
1. Click the Subscribe button on the blog itself.

2. You will then be prompted to enter in your preferred email address and agree that yes, you truly do want to listen to Spen and I update you regularly about cancer.

3. We must next all prove that we are in fact, not robots. (Except for Dad. Whose new port and metal skull do put him slightly on the spectrum.)
4. Here is where I think I am losing all of you ----- Once you have successfully located all of the buses in step 3. Blogger will congratulate you! And you won't read the rest of the spiel. (I get it. I wouldn't either.) The spiel says, "I'm now going to send you an email with a link to be sure that you reeeaallllly want to do this."
5. Click that $h!t

6. If you've made it here. Congrats. We've done it.
And if not... I'm chopping that up to user error and you're on your own.

xo, M
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