Pop Tarts; The Cure to Cancer?

Happy Friday Party People,

The gang went in to visit Dr. Shohara yesterday post PET scan on Tuesday. Monday? ... Whenever. 

Status is good. Overall cancer lesions, tumors, and what not are maintaining from our prior scan. There is one little shit lymph node in the upper part of the stomach that is slightly larger. Keeping an eye on it but Dr. S doesn't seem to be too panicked over it. 

Because the cancer is only maintaining and not shrinking since the prior scan, we will not be getting the chemo break that we had planned. However our chemo cycle's will go from every 2 weeks, to 3. Allowing for more inter-chemo partying. We will reevaluate in January. 

So far Dad is experiencing a few side effects from the chemo, but nothing out of the norm. There was a morning a few weeks back that he was experiencing some stomach pain after an early breakfast. Dr. S was slightly concerned and asked Dad to elaborate a bit. We then came to the conclusion that we will be removing 2 packages of Pop Tarts as a well balanced breakfast option.. 

Dad and I will be taking an upcoming road trip to move me from Portland to Austin, TX. Stay tuned for what might be our best, or worst idea yet.

xo, Mad


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