A Mom Takeover

Wow! So thrilled at seeing the thoughts, concerns and well wishes, that folks are posting. And how about these Clark kids, Spencer & Madison are our Crown Jewels. We love all of you! 

Please know you’re welcome to call and or text any of us, any time. Feeling the love and support however we can get it works for us!!

How are we doing?? 
If not for the medical tests indicating there’s a monster lurking beneath the surface, and the speedy loss of weight, we’d be none the wiser. David isn’t in any physical pain at all and our spirts are determined to knock this shit out of the park! My husband is a warrior and is preparing for battle. We’re calling all his soldiers to the field - you all will have a role to play. 

What can you do?? 
Down the road we’re going to need folks to be his chemo buddy, prepare for endless story telling. Grabbing a chocolate shake with DC  (the idea that he doesn’t have to count calories is really pissing me off) or humming a few bars of Brick House with him - start this at your own risk! There will be endless possibilities. He’s already telling me he can’t possibly  take the garbage out because, we’ll you know.. he has cancer!

As we have always done and will continue to do... (mainly because we think we’re so funny) we will use humor to weather this storm. And we encourage you all to join us.

As you all know this isn’t the first Rodeo for Clark & Company. All right, say it with me. Right now. Where ever you are... We’re gunna fight for our right to P.A.R.T.Y —- May the force be with you, it is with us - because of all of you!


**As we wrap up test's and wait on Dr. P & Gang - our next oncoming appointment will be with oncology on Feb. 23rd**


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