Happy Dad Day

Happy Fathers Day HeavyD Thanks for having a hand in making me a (self proclaimed) bad ass. For teaching me to ride a dirt bike - even though I wasn't allowed to shift out of first for an entire summer. How to change my brakes and check my oil. Teaching me how to hang or build anything I set my mind to - even thooooough you were far less than pleased when I called you down to my first apartment at Western with a list of 15 projects. You drew a hard line at mounting my snowboard to the wall.... (the snowboard hung proudly for 2 years) How to fully deconstruct, clean and shoot my gun. The importance of family. Comedic timing. Thank you for bragging on my accomplishments. For never batting an eyelash at my next great adventure. Thanks for being just as psychotic and obsessed with whatever I decided was the next "cool thing." I'll smoke a lil somethin' for ya today. Definitely not anything as "full body and robust" (cue my eye roll) as you...