Hey there, Chemosabe

What's shaken bacon(s) - Have you missed us? Apologies for the absence. Dad's been laying low lately and we haven't had a whole ton to report on. Dad's parents, known as Nonna and Grump to the people, came down at the beginning of the month to supervise chemo sesh numero tres ( that's 3 ). I stopped in briefly to discuss my irrational life decision to get a dog and to show face. Clearly maintaining my title as favorite grandchild. 👑 Chemo sesh' numero cuatro ( that's 4 people, keep up ), was yesterday and ran smoothly. Before the infusion we had a clinic visit. Visit showed that Dad's blood is no longer recouping as quickly between cycles, which is normal. All this means is that we may need to prolong the 2 week rest time between each infusion. The dramatic weight loss has slowed a bit, which comes as no surprise to me. Mom has found a way to add half and half, sour cream, and cream cheese into any meal she prepares. Tell you what - the rest of us...